Environmental protection
JSC MSZ understands that manufacture and storage of products, including the use of nuclear, radioactive and chemically hazardous materials, must not damage environment and harm employees’ and public health. Therefore the top priority here is to use only “green” technologies at the existing, introduced and prospective production operations; the “green” technologies that ensure achievement and maintaining of nuclear, radiological and all other components of environmental safety that is up to the best world’s standards.
The priority of actions directed at preventing adverse environmental and health impacts is seen by JSC MSZ as undisputed. All environmental safety problems are tackled applying modern concept of risk and environmental damage analysis.
JSC MSZ has been conducting radioecological monitoring of pollutant contents in all environmental compartments (air, surface and subterranean waters, soil, vegetation, atmospheric precipitation, etc.) since 1948 in order to ensure environmental surveillance of the plant’s location area.
In accordance with SP 1.1.1058-01 (Organization and Conduct Control over Compliance with Sanitary Rules and Implementation of Sanitary-Epidemiological (Preventive) Measures) JSC MSZ has developed the “Programme of In-Process Control” which determines the procedure for organisation and conduct of in-process and ecological control over compliance with sanitary-epidemiological rules. As per the Programme the plant’s whole manufacturing site is monitored, including its sanitary protection zone (SPZ), residential areas as well as 10 km radius of the plant’s location area. Environment is monitored by reference to 78 chemicals and three guidelines.
Control is carried out by two laboratories having measuring instruments (portable and laboratory) calibrated according to the established procedure at their disposal, based on the Certificates of Accreditation for the plant’s testing laboratories ‑ Nos. РОСС RU.OOO 1.511620 and КА.Ки.22ЭЛ36 ‑ issued by the Federal Accreditation Service (RusAccreditation). The laboratories utilise the top-of-the-line equipment and measuring instruments: spectrophotometer, photoelectric colorimeters, α-, β- radon radiometers, devices for automobile transport control, etc.
JSC MSZ regularly renovates its measuring equipment base in order to enhance the monitoring quality of environment as well as hygiene and sanitary working conditions. An automated measuring and information system for radiation and chemical situation monitoring is operated at JSC MSZ. This system makes automated round-the-clock continuous measurements and displays the concentration levels of hazardous chemicals and γ-dose rates at the set intervals. Laboratory employees that perform sampling and control of emissions and discharges of pollutants continually upgrade their skills in the special general education institutions accredited to give the training.
JSC MSZ is actively involved in operations of the Coordination Council on Ecology (Elektrostal city district, the Moscow Region), established in 2006. 2016-2020 Environment Protection Measures in Elektrostal City District No. 408/8 dated 10.06.2016 were developed and approved by the Resolution of the Head of Elektrostal city district in the perspective to preserve and remediate the favourable city living, work and leisure environment, provide environmental safety, and active citizens’ participation in environmental efforts in Elektrostal city district. In all of the seven sections JSC MSZ presented actions directed at improving environmental situation in the city district. Interaction with the environmental NGOs, scientific and social institutions as well as the citizens is equally important for bringing the environmental ideas to life. For decades now JSC MSZ has been working closely together with the Federal State Budgetary Institution “State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation – Federal Medical Biophysical Centre named after A.I.Burnazyan”, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “All-Russian Research Institute of Hydrogeology and Geological Engineering”, the State Unitary Enterprise JSC “All-Union Research Institute of Chemical Technology”, the Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Rare Element Chrystal Chemistry, The Federal State Budgetary Health Institution “Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology No. 21 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation”, the State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation “A.I.Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Power Engineering”, etc., ‑ with the purpose to maintain high environmental level of industrial safety, to reduce as much as possible the adverse environmental effects of the industrial production, to blueprint and implement the scientifically substantiated solutions for environmental improvement and environmental stewardship.
The annual total spending on environmental protection needs amounts to at least 300 million RUB. Every year, on a regular basis, JSC MSZ specialists, individually or in groups, visit the specialised exhibitions and forums on ecology and environmental protection.
On a yearly basis JSC MSZ holds inter-company landscaping and shade gardening competitions between the plant’s functions. JSC MSZ employees take part in the All-Region Community Cleanup Day called “Our Moscow Region: Clean Neighbourhood – Clean Conscience”, the city ecological competition titled “City Flowers”, the Moscow Region eco-marathon event “Recycling”; the company also runs in the nomination “Moscow Region Ecology” under “Our Moscow Region” project. JSC MSZ organises the city intellectual programme “The First Step in Atomic Project” among school children and the intellectual plant tournament, in both of which environmental issues come up.
JSC MSZ adheres to “transparency” policy: the company is regularly visited by regulatory authorities, Russian colleagues, foreign nuclear experts, students, journalists, business executives and public officers. All visitors of our Information Centre can get detailed information on our Environmental Policy and nature conservation activities.
JSC MSZ’s Environmental Policy
JSC MSZ’s management states its obligations to comply in its operations with the environmental legislation, continually improve the environment and prevent its pollution in the JSC MSZ’s Environmental Policy (ed.2015). The fundamental objectives of the policy include ensuring environmentally sound and sustainable development of JSC MSZ, mitigating the adverse environmental effects of industrial production and nuclear fuel operation.
The JSC MSZ’s Environmental Policy specifies the company’s priorities in environmental stewardship and environmental protection with the aim to improve competitiveness by ensuring environmentally sound and sustainable development JSC MSZ and mitigating the adverse environmental effects of industrial production and nuclear fuel operation.
JSC MSZ Environment Safety Report - 2023 (PDF, 4.38 Mb)